
Welcome to the fanlisting for the relationship between Prince Aram & Hoshina Airi from the manga series , created by Hino Matsuri. She is a 16 year old high school student who dreams of a fairytale romance with a wonderful man ♥ He is a 7 year old prince from a magical kingdom who has a curse placed on him that ages him into a 17 year old young man. They meet by fate when he escapes his kingdom and steps into her world through her magical mirror. They find out that the only way to undo his aging spell is through receiving the legendary maiden's kiss~ and Aram chooses Airi ♥


  • Last updated: October 06, 2024
  • Members: 463 (+0) fans in 47 countries

A fanlisting is an online list of fans of a subject. They are created by fans and dedicated to uniting the fans worldwide. This fanlisting supports all aspects of their relationship, and is listed at The Anime Fanlistings Network. Please join this fanlisting to show your support for Aram & Airi

Sibling Sites
Serendipity: the Merupuri fanlisting Noblesse: the Aram (Merupuri) fanlisting


Through the Looking Glass has been online since March 2005 and is run by Annie. This is just a fansite, no infringement intended.